Ram Charan starrer Thoofan's audio was launched today at the Shilpa Kala Vedika in Hyderabad. Victory Venkatesh was the chief guest on the occasion. Director Vinayak also graced the ceremony. Venkatesh released the first CD and Vinayak released the theatrical trailer. The film’s second heroine Mahie Gill performed on the occasion. She sizzled on the stage with her dance moves. Leading lady Priyanka Chopra couldn't come down to Hyderabad as she was busy promoting the film in Mumbai. Allu Aravind, Dil Raju, Mahie Gill, Sanjeev Lamba, Chandrabose, Mahesh Ramanathan, Shivaji Sircar, Sridhar, Puneeth Prakash Mehra, Saket Sahani, Anil Rigwa, Shabeer, Ahmed, Anjan Bhattacharya and others were present. Speaking on the occasion Venkatesh said that, this film will get good result. Charan's hard work and his dedication will be paid off. It will be feast to the fans. He added that he liked the trailer. DirectorApoorva Lakhia said, "Charan is a rock star. Thoofan will be liked by everyone. Dolby Atmos audio sound will be highlight." Ram Charan spoke on the occasion. He said, "I used to call Venky Uncle as a kid. Now he is supporting me as a brother. He came here as I just requested him on phone. Regarding why I accepted this Bollywood project, I never do films for the need. I accept films if I like the script or director." It was his dad Chiranjeevi who supported Cherry and gave him thumbs up when he feared to act in Thoofan, Cherry informed the gathering. Srihari reminded the gathering that when Magadheera released it was he who said that the film will run for a year. People laughed. Magadheera carved a niche in Tollywood. Thoofan will be a superhit blockbuster, he concluded. Mahie Gill said she enjoyed working with Ram Charan. "Happy to make debut in Telugu with this film. ...(More..) |
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